

There are many theories when it comes to the Fluoride in water supplies. We have been told for many years (since 1968 in Western Australia) that fluoride treatment in water will help prevent dental caries. Although in Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia, individual shires determine whether or not it is added to the water.

Most of Europe and China do not use the fluoride practise, along with many states in the US. There is growing evidence that it does not benefit teeth when ingested. Evidence suggests that it is harmful to our long term health and the development of our young. But here in Western Australia every shire puts fluoride in water, whether you want it or not!


  • Fluoride is a naturally occurring organic compound found in our ocean, deep ground water sources, soil, rock and some plants. It can occur in ground water at dangerously high levels.
  • The fluoride used in our drinking water comes from man-made chemicals – hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate.
  • Inorganic fluoride is an extremely toxic, caustic by-product waste from phosphate production and aluminium production.
  • Hydrofluorosilicic acid contains concentrations of arsenic and lead.


  • Fluoride is added to the drinking water to help guard against dental caries.
  • Fluoride is very acidic, in W.A. much of our water comes from the ground and contains a high amount of calcium causing hard water. The addition of fluoride dissolves some of the calcium so that our water is softer.
  • Fluoride is a toxic waste that cannot be dumped in our water ways and landfill, so it is re-used in our drinking water!


  • In Australia, the guideline value of fluoride in the water supply is 1.5mg per litre.
  • Exposure to fluoride at rates of 4mg per day over several years has been proven to cause skeletal fluorosis. Early indicators of this disease is:
    • lower back pain
    • hip and/or knee pain/ degeneration
    • general pain and lack of mobility in joints
    • brittle bones (osteoporosis) and arthritis.
  • The NHMRC and the ADWG estimate the average adult is exposed to fluoride daily at approximately 5.4mg through food & environment.
  • Children under the age of 8 years can’t process fluoride at the rate of a healthy adult. It will only mineralise in their bones and teeth. ANY EXPOSURE TO FLUORIDE THAT EXCEEDS 1.5 MG/L SHOULD BE AVOIDED. (Brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste will add to the daily limit set by the NHMRC, ADWG and the Department of Health.)
  • Infants being raised on infant formula are receiving toxic levels of fluoride. (400% more in body weight ratio) Only adults can handle the same level of fluoride in water.


  • Fluoride is found in many of the foods we eat and beverages we drink. These come from either manufacture, fumigation, pesticides or the environmental sources.
  • Brewed black tea from China or India contains averages of 3-4 ppm of fluoride (environmental)
  • White wine can contain approximately 2 ppm (pesticides)
  • Cocoa powder for chocolate production can contain at times up to 8.4 ppm (fumigation)
  • Most bottled water (manufactured using treated water that is filtered)
  • Generally people use a fluoride tooth paste and have fluoride treatments regularly at the dentist. This contributes greatly to the amount of fluoride we are exposed to.
  • Most children will swallow more than 50% of the toothpaste whilst brushing accidentally, some will swallow it deliberately because it tastes nice. Toothpaste is a poison! It must be kept out of reach and children need to be supervised when using it.
  • As adults we are exceeding the recommended safety limit for ingested fluoride. This is set out by The National Health and Medical Research Council and The Institute of Medicine.


  • Fluoride in water has long been debated. It’s a flawed science & research has shown that there are many health risks associated.
  • There are lots of people who are more vulnerable to the addition of fluoride to our drinking water:
    • Infants.
    • Children.
    • Seniors.
    • Diabetics.
    • Health challenged.
    • Large volume water drinkers.
    • Allergy sufferers.
  • Fluoride when ingested is not metabolised, it is spread through ALL body tissue. More study is necessary to determine how else this impacts our long term health and development. (NHMRC)
  • Fluoride is a neurotoxin. A babies blood brain barrier is not fully developed & allows fluoride access to delicate, developing brain tissue. Hundreds of studies done have shown that fluoride:
    • Reduces IQ.
    • Causes neurobehavioral deficits.
    • Impairs memory/learning.
    • Possibly contributes to dementia.
  • Infants can only excrete 15-20% of an ingested fluoride dose. That is almost 3 times the amount a healthy adult will retain. (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 2003)
  • People with a kidney impairment have a lower margin of safety for fluoride intake. They may retain up to 3 times the amount of fluoride as per a healthy adult.
  • It is a well documented fact that fluoride needs to be removed from the water that is used for Dialysis.It was shown to cause osteomalacia, a bone-softening disease. This is still of concern with drinking water, as they will retain toxic levels of fluoride in their bones and tissue.
  • Fluoride ingested at rates over 4mg per day over 20 years has been proven to cause:
    • Skeletal Fluorosis.
    • Arthritis.
    • Osteoporosis (brittle bones).
  • Fluoride suppresses Thyroid function causing an under active thyroid> This interferes with our hormone production, metabolism and energy levels.
  • Studies have shown an association with an increased risk of Osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer affecting young men from Fluoride intake.
  • Fluoride has been shown to increase blood glucose levels and impair glucose tolerance, which is often a signal to type 2 diabetes.
  • Fluoride has been shown to accumulate in the cardiovascular system. This can have an affect on:
    • Blood pressure.
    • Arterial calcification.
    • Myocardial damage.
  • Patients with cardiac failure have elevated levels of fluoride in their blood.

Fluoridation of drinking water for the purpose of mass medication, is a violation of our human rights and freedom of choice. If a doctor was to force a medication on to a patient without their consent, it would be considered malpractice. If a patient was not informed accurately to the risks and possible side effects of a medication, that would be considered malpractice. Fluoride is a harmful toxic substance, it is impossible to accurately deliver a measured dose through the drinking water supply. It is an indisputable fact that the only way fluoride can have a positive effect on dental health is via topical application (ada.org.au). So how is it that in todays educated society, this absurd rational is able to continue.

The ONLY way to remove fluoride from your drinking water is through a Reverse Osmosis, distiller or de-ioniser. Filters will NOT remove fluoride in water.

Sources: Australian Drinking Water GuidelinesFluoride Free WA, Flouride Alert, NHMRC, IOM